Does your business need cloud computing?

Absys Cyborg offers you a customized support for your cloud projects by guiding you in the implementation of solutions and management software in the Cloud. Our know-how and our expertise allow us to advise you in the choice of the software corresponding to your expectations. With cloud computing, you can secure your data and manage the digital transformation of your company.

What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing allows data to be stored and accessed via the Internet. It consists of storing data or running programs via a computer external hard drive.

It also allows companies to purchase computing resources as a service.

The cloud model consists of four delivery models:

Public Cloud Computing

With public cloud, service providers such as Microsoft Azure make resources available to the public via the internet. In the public cloud, strict policies are in place to protect user data.

Public cloud computing allows companies to grow while reducing expenses. Thanks to a low operational cost, utilities can maintain their budget against high initial investments.

The private or Dedicated Cloud

In a private cloud, the proprietary environment is dedicated to a single business entity. Accessible only to one company, the private cloud allows companies to manage the environment according to their precise needs.

Resources and space are specifically allocated to the client and fixed for a certain period of time.

Hybrid cloud

As a combination of public and private clouds, hybrid cloud allows one or more public clouds to be connected to a private cloud or a traditional on-premise data centre infrastructure on site.

A company can use its private cloud for some services and its public cloud for others. It can use the public cloud to manage high demand periods while keeping most operations in its private cloud.

The community cloud

This is an IT structure shared by different organisations with common interests who wish to build a cloud together to manage and host it securely.


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The main cloud systems

There are four types of cloud systems: SaaS (Software as a Service), Serverless computing, PaaS (Platform as a Service) and IaaS (Infrastructue as a Software).

SaaS (Software as a Service)

Software as a service allows software applications to be delivered on-demand and on subscription basis. With SaaS, cloud service providers can host and manage software applications. Users can connect to the application via the Internet from anywhere.

PaaS (Platform as a Service)

PaaS offers hardware and software tools as service via the internet. They allow the user to develop applications.

Serverless computing

Closely related to PaaS, serverless computing allows the creation of application functionality to be managed. The cloud provider manages the setup, server administration and capacity planning for you.

IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)

IaaS allows you to rent an IT infrastructure (networks, storage, operating system etc.) from a cloud service provider with a payment calculated according to the use of the service.


How to successfully implement a cloud migration strategy?

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Data migration is the process of moving data, business and commercial elements and other applications to a cloud computing environment.

Define your cloud migration strategy

Consider which of the 5 different strategies best suits your needs:

The re-hosting strategy, also called “lift and shift” allows existing data and applications to be redeployed to cloud storage. This is an ideal strategy for companies with a simple infrastructure and little expertise in the cloud.

The refactoring strategy is used to modify part of the code base and the underlying infrastructure to optimise work ability through cloud computing.

The redesign strategy is used to redesign the applications architecture to be migrated to the cloud. This is a more time-consuming approach than the previous ones, but it leads to greater upgrade-ability and performance.

The rebuild strategy allows legacy applications to be removed and redeveloped using cloud services and features. Then, the displacement strategy is the riskiest one as it is used to abandon an existing application and replace it with a SaaS.

Determine the most suitable cloud environment for your organisation

Once you have decided on a cloud migration strategy, consider which cloud environment is most suitable for that strategy- private, public or hybrid cloud.

Choose your cloud system

Among all the existing cloud systems, it is recommended to choose your system according to the needs of the users and the ease of use (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS...)

The architecture design phase

After defining the strategy, the environment, and the deployment model, comes the key step of the cloud migration: the architecture design phase.

Design is used to determine the requirements for storage, networking, time, and availability etc.

In order to successfully migrate to the cloud, the architecture design should include testing phases to verify the effectiveness of the architecture in relation to the company's needs and business changes.

It is recommended to carry out a second test phase to identify metrics and performance. You will have to test the adequacy of the migration according to the needs of the business.

Monitoring after the migration tests

After the migration tests, it is advisable to ensure constant monitoring and maintenance. This monitoring allows you to effectively resolve any problems that may arise.

Also consider periodically reviewing the deployment configuration in order to ensure compliance and the cloud security.


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The benefits of the cloud for a business

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Discover the various benefits of cloud computing for businesses:
  • Reducing the costs of data centres and IT services
  • Remain compliant with legal and regulatory constraints
  • Save time and maintenance
  • Solutions that are easy to deploy and manage
  • Dematerialisation and security of data
  • Quick and easy access

Absys Cyborg's accompany for cloud computing 

In order to accompany its clients, Absys Cyborg has launched its Absys Cyborg Cloud offer allowing companies to quickly access their applications and gain agility in the deployment of their management solutions.

As an integrator of Sage, Microsoft & Kyriba management solutions, Absys Cyborg helps you choose your management software in the cloud, whatever your needs and your business sector.

Any question about Cloud?
Feel free to get in touch with us!