Data storage and security: the benefits of the private cloud

The private cloud ensures a high level of security and online data storage with dedicated access for a single organization. This is why, many companies choose this type of deployment to ensure the continuity of their business. It also makes it possible to reconcile mobility and flexibility, aspects that are becoming increasingly sought-after with the emergence of different ways of working.

28 September 2023

  • panel private cloud : storage and security

Enhanced security with the private cloud

Studies show that the security is one of the most important elements in companies’ choice of cloud service provider.

The use of a private cloud is highly recommended for companies handling large volumes of data (government agencies, large organizations...) It ensures enhanced data security and prevents attempted cyber-attacks.

Companies have total control over their infrastructure, systems, and data with a private cloud. They can implement customized security policies and configure security parameters to suit specific needs.

Data encryption is essential to protect sensitive information stored in the private cloud. Data can be encrypted at rest (storage) and in transit (communication) to block unauthorized access.


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Regulatory compliance

Choosing a private cloud infrastructure is the best option for companies faced with strict data protection regulations. Private cloud owners benefit from total control over server location.

Cloud hosting ensures complete security of sensitive data and regular updates. Data is stored in a single environment to guarantee data confidentiality and availability.

Regulations such as the GDPR require personal data to be stored and processed securely. The private cloud enables you to implement specific security measures to ensure regulatory compliance such as data encryption, access auditing or even, traceability of operations.

Setting up a private cloud guarantees you a dedicated, secure environment in European data centers.


Resilience and redundancy

Cloud resilience means anticipating any malfunctions that may occur within an organization. It ensures continuous availability of services and data in a secure environment.

Companies need to equip themselves more and more with data backup technologies.

The private cloud offers redundancy mechanisms to guarantee access to data at all times. You can store your data on several servers or data centers, reducing the risk of loss. In the event of an incident, data can be easily restored from backups. With redundant servers, you benefit from a primary server and a secondary server.


Scalability and flexibility with the private cloud

The private cloud enables greater scalability and flexibility in data storage. This flexibility enables you to effectively manage fluctuations in storage demand and scale your infrastructure as your data grows.

The private cloud can be configured to access certain levels of flexibility and scalability, as required. For example, resource virtualization, architectural solutions such as clustering and orchestration enable more flexible use and scalability of resources according to expectations and needs.

It gives you better control over your storage resources. You can allocate them according to need and demand.

Companies can create customized virtual environments to meet their specific needs. They can rapidly configure and deploy new applications, test development and pre-production environments, and launch pilot projects, without having to invest in a more expensive hardware infrastructure. The flexibility offered by the private cloud enables companies to implement remote working practices, encourage BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and facilitate collaboration between teams from anywhere.


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Achieve greater ROI with cloud storage

Storing data online saves you money on operating costs. The cloud also enables you to make significant savings on installation, maintenance, and upkeep costs.

Physical maintenance of servers, hardware upgrades or security issues. These are all taken care of by the cloud service provider, leaving you free to concentrate on other value-added tasks.

Scalability also enables you to avoid unnecessary costs associated with storage overcapacity or under-utilization of resources.

In order to get the best ROI from cloud storage, it is essential to carefully assess migration costs, security requirements and business needs. A thorough assessment of your needs, followed by a comparison of different cloud service providers, will enable you to better target your requirements, and thus achieve a better ROI in the medium and long term.

Remember to monitor results on a regular basis, so that you can take the necessary steps to ensure your profitability. However, ROI calculations can vary depending on your business, your needs and your KPIs.

Any question about Data storage and security: the benefits of the private cloud?
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